Covid-19, an unexpected situation and still unresolved Before we actually realize the severity, consequences, and impact on our lives personally and socially, we all suddenly got into the lock-down situation as this was the only solution we had and when we all stayed at home for so long, maybe after college vacations, it was difficult for many of us to accept it.
Of course, it has resulted in anxieties, financial worries, and doubt about the future as we still don't have a clear idea of the situation I will pray to the divine that ‘Please don't let the world face such a situation again’ but that doesn't resolve the phase we are in right now.
We all had family plans, business plans, but suddenly those plans don't seem to be working and that started causing anxieties and worries. On the other hand, if we slightly change the perspective looking towards the situation you will see a new hope rising from it.
So here it is what this lock-down has opened for me.
First few days I was worried about the situation not understanding what is going on, what is the severity and what actually needs to be done, when can I start with my routine work. Later when I came to know that this may take longer than I expected and staying at home is the least we can do, I relaxed and started thinking that now as I have so much time in my hand how can I use it purposefully.
When we used to be busy in our routine work, I used to very much rush myself into multitasking.
As I was knowing meditation. Exercises, reading should be an integral part of a routine to keep ourselves mentally and physically fit, I used to push myself harder to complete each and every task, right from the morning, till I go to bed and if at all any task I couldn't finish I used to feel bad.
But now I am giving time to all those things. I am meditating calmly, doing exercises for 1 hour, reading books and taking rest and doing simple self-care tips for my skin, hair, making healthy changes in diet, spending time with family members and myself. In Spite of having a very busy routine before, I am so comfortable being at home peacefully. because there are acceptance and faith that I can do things in better ways. I am so sure about myself, that all my plans will get executed very well though later than expected but this time I am planning the steps, how to go about it, what challenges I will face and how I can overcome them and who all can help me in that.
We always don't like to ask for help and tend to try to do things that drain us in the process, on the contrary, if we talk to experts, they show you an easier way to do things.
I attended webinars for different topics that kept me connected with people and I started feeling that I am not alone and we all are together in it and “we are in It to win it” And this gave me confidence that whenever I may start, my start won't be from zero. It will start from my experience of so many years, well planning and confidence. Of Course, challenges will be there but when you put your positive intentions you will find ways to overcome them
I also attended webinars on parenting to get new Insights regarding it and I started working on that and I am getting good results. Frankly, I would not have done so much in my daily routine so I am grateful for this time. Maybe in the future, when I look back, this will be an important period to remember for many things in my life and I am pretty sure that this might be the turning point of my life. So now it is time for you to look into your life, your present, and reflecting on yourself.
Few Steps to make this time your turning point in your life:
1. Acceptance and awareness of where you are right now with regards to emotions, physical fitness, finances, and relationships.
2. Acceptance and making peace with the present situation.
3. Reflecting and realizing where and how you can make changes in situations you want to change.
4. Studying the challenges we face regarding our business or work on any other situation bothering you.
5. Writing down your plans and how you will work on them and note down the points you need to consider to work on.
6. Using social media in a proper way like attending webinar for workshops related to your work, getting connected with people in your field.
7. Resolving the issues with your family members so that your relationships will be better and you can spend loving quality time together.
8. Self-care is the key. Start taking time for yourself to meditate, exercise, read books or watch movies and pursue your hobbies or just take a nap or rest.
9. Keep your plans ready and discuss with people who can help you in that so when the lockdown will be over you will be ready to achieve your goals.
10. And last, but not least Be happy that you are safe and love yourself. Be patient with yourself. Be grateful and wish safety for all the social workers, medical staff (Doctors and paramedical), security system (police), and grocers who are working hard for so many days without taking rest.
Go ahead, and work on yourself, and don't get this lock-down period to pull you down in any way.
Take care.
Be safe.
All the best.
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